National Corvette Museum
Delivery Option - R8C
The National Corvette Museum is the countries largest Car Museum with a direct connection to a U.S. manufacturer. That connection allows for a very rare opportunity for a car enthusiast. A Factory Delivery with a historical connection to the make and model.
Those who select the offered delivery option are provided two constant reminders of the occasion. There is a label on the center console, and a label on the Driver's Side Door frame.
Calypso was a custom built car and I partook of the Museum Delivery, on July 29th 2014. That delivery started with the delivery schedule call:
Needless to say I called him right back and got him. We talked it all over and we set up July 29th as the first target.
It was the first day of his possible scheduling. I spent the rest of the day making sure I could do everything I needed to get done - and once that was confirmed, I did a FB post.
When ordering a custom Corvette, a key option to consider is the Museum Delivery at a minimum. The Museum Delivery option is known as the R8C option. It is the least involving of the three purchaser involved options lasting only one day. The other two; Engine Build and Vehicle Build are each week long activities. The impact of the R8C option which could be compounded with the other two add an immense layer of memories lasting a lifetime. Virtually every page of this web-site has a connection to Calypso's delivery with the exception of "Shows" and "Wrecks". This page as a part of the "Home" page menu is an expansion of the "About" page.
BUT first - please watch this video. It was made by a friend of a friend and it truly captures the incredible depth of the Museum itself - from a very unique perspective. And thank you Robin and Nate.
Now properly enticed what follows is a guide through Calypso's web-site where you can visit the aspects of HER Museum Delivery, a single day's memories.
Calypso seen from the entrance before opening.
Calypso in delivery #6 on "Corvette Blvd."
Calypso outside the exit - first pic post delivery.
Calypso’s Museum Delivery on Calypso’s Web-site
First a little background before I focus on Calypso’s delivery. The delivery takes place at the National Corvette Museum’s main entrance. That link takes you to their home page. But I will focus on just the delivery so if you want to know more about their Delivery offer, follow this link to their Delivery Option Page. One of the options offered as a part of the Delivery, is the "Delivery Book", you can see Calypso's Delivery Book, on the stories page.
The cars to be delivered are parked along an interior “room” that they call “Corvette Blvd.” In the video above the first real scene inside the museum is "Corvette Blvd". It’s done up like a street with cars to be delivered parked on both sides of the street. Off of the “Blvd.” is the café, an auditorium done up like an old small town theater, a Gift shop, the library and archives, a set of offices, and of course exits / entrances to other locations in the Museum. But again, focusing on Calypso; she was parked in delivery area #6, which is between the offices and the gift shop and right in front of the Library and Archives (where the orange C8 is parked in the video above). I remember the morning of the delivery standing at the locked entrance staring at my new car just 50 feet away.
Working across the Page list at the top of this web-site’s pages, and its sub-menu items, the actual delivery of Calypso is presented. The following “headings” have content on the topic BLUE links take you else where on this site - the other links take you to other related sites:
TRIPS – LONG RIDES: There are two videos representing the delivery, the first is the top left-hand video called “A Great First Year”. This video begins with the departure from the Museum and Calypso’s spot, in delivery area #6 and out the door.
Then lower down on the “LONG RIDES” page is the movie “In 2014 I had the Trip of a Lifetime”. You can of course watch the whole movie – but again FOCUS, on the “Written Stuff – Stories page” the delivery excerpt July 29th, along with the run on the Bowling Green Track on the second visit.
LINKS – Delivery: This page of the web-site is dedicated to the months of July and August of 2014’s Face Book posts. Again to stay on topic – the delivery day was July 29th. (and the lower of the two the link is broken at this moment.)
SHORTS: Top-left video a short version of the departure from Delivery Area #6.
POD CASTS: The pod cast titled “Corvette Happiness” talks about the R8C option @ the 14:00 minute mark, and shows it on the option list at 16:39. This video talks about the entire process of ordering Calypso. I really enjoyed doing this pod cast with John Riley of John Riley Project.
MUSIC: The video “Follow The Sun” in the upper left corner of this page shows Calypso being built. The pictures are from my “Delivery Book”, which is a feature of the museum delivery.
TRACK TIME – TRACKS: The Museum’s Motor Sports Park did not exist when Calypso was delivered. However, it is now. I went back to Bowling Green for the experience of driving the track and got a few parade laps.
Written Stuff – Stories: has a PDF file which is the “Delivery Book”. And lower down the video excerpt of July 29th portion of the movie “In 2014 I had the Trip of a Lifetime” and a video of the parade lap of the track at Bowling Green.