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One of the major objectives behind the purchase of Calypso was the goal of driving on a "race track".  Keeping in mind that at the time I bought Calypso, I was 64 years old; I did not have the expectation of actually "racing".  But I did want to have the opportunity to say "been there done that".  Sort of bucket-list things.  Well the objective was met, with the constant thought "You're gonna spend a long time dead."  AND Calypso IS my everyday driver, with lots of trips planned as well.  So the video shown here with the sound track called "Resolve" by Nathan Lanier, everything seemed to "fit".  This video was "it", Calypso and some track time.  Objective met.


BUT, it didn't stop there.  As time progressed others came up:

Track Time


Sample videos (mostly parade laps) of the six tracks that Calypso has been on.  They are arranged per the window decals.

Other Music Videos or Road Trips can be found on those pages.  Other videos on Track time can be found on the Details page.

One friend was quick to notice that the car I was driving @ the Corvette Driver's School in the upper right corner was NOT Calypso.  It was indeed #125A.  Just to set the record straight, SHE did DO the school course, shown on the right.  I asked for a special "run" just before graduation.


As Billy connoly says "you should do it!"

For your planning purposes here are the Google maps links to the different locations CALYPSO has done around the country.


These two videos are showing up here strictly because of the room.  You will note that visually they are IDENTICAL except for two things.  The first difference is the YouTube Title.  The second is the music.  I made the video on the left first; but then Neil Peart passed away, and even though Calypso is NOT Red.  I felt I had to change the music to the video I had just made.  

There is more to the story about "Rush" Vs. "Rush" on the Music Page.

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