Calypso's CAR SHOW stuff
IF you were to attend a CAR SHOW that Calypso was attending. And you stopped by, there is lots of "Stuff" you can see. Now while I do encourage you to DO THAT, I understand that some of you cannot.
SO this is the next best thing - here is a page showing you what I bring to Car Shows in addition to Calypso herself.
QR Code Pages
The KEY thing about Car Shows is the fact that people want to look, and touch CARS. They want to talk to the owners and hear the stories. They are there to appreciate the love people have for their cars. The problem is that at a car show there are dozens of CARS, perhaps hundreds of them. There is typically very little time to appreciate each them. So I thought it would be a good idea to a better job of connecting Calypso's Web-site and Videos, in a manner that people could take something with them for later. HENCE the QR Codes:
The three pictures shown here are pictures that are displayed on Calypso at Car Shows (and other occasions). If you click on any of the above pictures, it will open a PDF file (which you may copy) just like at the show. Providing you with the 15 QR Code links to YouTube videos in the context of the show material. Of course if you go to the pages directly on this website, you have access to many more videos - at the shows, and on the PDFs they are just "teasers".
I am also working on a project where the things that are "ON" and "IN" Calypso - there will be QR stickers on those things, so if I happen to be busy talking with someone else, they can scan the code and hear it from themselves on a YouTube Video that talks about that one thing that caught their attention ON or IN Calypso.
Website Cards
The Website Card also shown on the "HOME" page of the web-site, provides you with not only the URL, but a QR Code that will take you directly to the home page of this web-site.
It also provides a prompt to prompt the receiver of the card to think about "What does "74" mean?" or the story behind her name "Calypso".

Window sticker and
Build Sheet

On the top of Calypso at car shows are two framed documents. On the left is the "Window Sticker" that never actually went "ON" Calypso. The other document is the "Build Sheet". Both of these documents are must have's for car shows. And now with the added QR codes, the visitors can get to the pertinent websites for the details of each type of document.
(Click on either picture below to open the PDF version of both pictures shown here.)

Signage is not a big thing for everybody who presents at Car Shows, but for me it's a big thing. I like to put pictures and stuff out so that passers-by are drawn in, or at least make them hesitate. Shown here on the left is a picture of the front of Calypso if the primary "traffic" was from the left to the right. If the flow of traffic is the other way, then I swap the two pictures down in front, shown here below.

While "CALYPSO" should be emphasized; the STORY really begins with the Museum Delivery, then Route 66 and so on as you know from visiting my webpages.

So when it comes to signage, I try to organize the signs to draw people in, to engage in conversation. Starting with the Museum Delivery, and then to Route 66 and then the various trips and tracks.
The large red surrounded "Congratulations" is the actual sign from the Delivery day. It was placed facing away from the main entrance to the Museum and was indeed hidden from view that morning July 29th 2014.
I promised myself at that time to not let that happen again. So I always make sure this sign is out in front and facing the oncoming visitors.
Anyway - moving on, and back towards the back of the car where I hang out at the shows, is the "Mother Road" sign. That is in the center of the windshield. And that leads to the Window Sticker and Build Sheet, which is talked about above.

At shows the top is almost always off. But not shown here is the passenger compartment which will not only allow the Kalahari Interior to be seen, but Calypso's Helmet will be in the Driver's seat and there will be some hand-outs with the QR codes in the passenger seat. Don't forget it was the story about Hawaiian "Red Dirt" and the Kalahari interior that allowed for a "win" at one of the car shows.