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NOT CALYPSO = "Lani Lani" and "Lani Lani 2"

Just scroll down for  Lani Lani 

Click here for   Lani Lani 2  


I have used TURO to rent two different C8s.  One on Maui that I call  Lani Lani  and then a second one that has picked up the name  Lani Lani 2 .


Both cars surpassed expectations for the two different sets of missions, the first on Maui and the second on the East Coast and specifically the outer banks.

Lani Lani Completes THE PROMISE

This page is NOT about Calypso.  This is a story afforded by "Lani Lani", which is Hawaiian for Morning Sky.  Lani Lani played a significant role in a story that is encompassed by the time that I have owned Calypso and Corvettes in general; and she surpassed all the requirements needed to complete a promise made.  There is no need for Calypso to get jealous, Lani Lani full-filled a need only.  She played an instrumental role, and that is all that needs to be said.  The PDFs shared below here tell the story.

If you wish to skip the story behind the story and just "see" Lani Lani at her best, you can watch "my" video, where I pick your view on the left here.


Pick your own view of the same video but via the 360 camera view using the YouTube controls.  I highly recommend viewing this on a large screen and actually on the YouTube application.

Story behind the Story

Now for the story behind the story, and this IS multi-layered.

The short video shown here on the right merges Solar Noon on June 21st 2017 to the morning of Sept. 7th 2021.  It provides a brief introduction to the purpose behind renting Lani Lani - to keep a promise and to move beyond the moment that required it.

The longer unedited version "God Rocks - A four year span" (below) tells a visual story of Mike's connection to God that started at the moment of the wreck on the Solstice June 21st 2017, which is also featured in the two John Riley Project Podcasts; (not on this site's Podcast Page): "Near Death Experience" and "Reliving a Near Death Experience" and particular attention to this portion of the podcast.

Presented here are three downloadable PDF files.  They are actually link documents.  They will link you to the various YouTube videos that have been made that document this trip, a brief hiatus from time with Calypso.

The first PDF "A Promise Kept" tells a very interwoven story about two guy's adventures on the island of Maui.  The roots of the adventure go back very far and this PDF provides aspects of the story with links to portions of the story on video.

This second PDF "MORE VIDEOS . . ." completes the story started with "A Promise Kept" with some 360 videos and others with more detail about the adventure, how it started years ago and now how it was finished.

It is fairly obvious that this entire story and departure from Calypso, takes place on Maui.  No trip to Maui would be complete without some beach scenery.  This PDF completes that need.

Throughout I keep referring to Lani Lani.  Lani Lani is the name that I gave the C8 Corvette.  She is actually owned by Hans Hansen who lives on Maui.

He rents Lani Lani to those with Corvette appreciation via TURO.

This PDF file provides links to the YouTube Playlist in it's entirety, which is a direct list of the videos for the PDF stories shown here on the left.

Finally, the video to the right is a "teaser", a commercial if you will for a series of podcasts that deal with bizarre tangential stories that continuously branch off of the primary story told via this webpage.  It begs the question of analysis of other stories as deep and as lengthy as this one of your own experiences.  In other words:

What Reality will your Trip be in?

In 2022, I became fascinated by the piece of music called the "Road to Awe", to the point where I reflected back on one of the rides in  Lani Lani , and I made the video shown above.  

Then in 2024, I got another perspective of "The Spot" and  Lani Lani , was "in the picture".  Following that visit, Mike and I took a ride out to "Wine Country" which is yet another typical road on Maui.  Here is that video, and again it's a 360 so I recommend clicking the YouTube Links:  


Transition from  Lani Lani  to  Lani Lani 2 .

  Then GM started to get serious about the concept of an eventual E-Ray, a hybrid Corvette.  I became more than interested, I started thinking about it - - seriously.  I talked to several friends and that persuaded me to rent another C8, as they told me that I didn't really have the opportunity to drive  Lani Lani  on straight roads at sea level in Maui.  They said sure, it was great in Maui with the twisty tourney roads and up and down mountains, but on long straights; it was another story.  So a second rental was on the table.  Therefore on an East Coast trip to visit with family and friends on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, damn near sea level and the hour long run from Kitty Hawk to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse,                Lani Lani 2 , was the way to check it out.  Scroll down.

Lani Lani 2

    Lani Lani 2   

I had three primary missions behind my rental of          Lani Lani 2 .  One of them was to drive around the Wright Brothers Memorial.  That mission was accomplished and shown here on the right.  I wanted to complete that mission as a promise to myself made years ago, on one of my many visits to Nags Head / Kitty Hawk.  The second mission was to complete the drive down to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.  Here is the link to the map video.  That was a trip I started with my Mom years ago, in a non-descript rental car.  With her passing, it made the trip in a Corvette more important.  The third mission is technical on my thinking about possibly buying an E-Ray.  

You will note in the screen capture of the static Video shown here to the left, that the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is under construction.  Actually they have moved it because with the erosion due to the increasing sea level they had to move it to higher ground.  Additionally on the run down through the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge and the Cape Hatteras National Seashore the road itself was inundated with ocean wave damaged sections, a couple of which I had to avoid.  There is no doubt, you are at "Sea Level", as in several places construction is taking place where they are moving Sand Dunes to protect the roadway easement.  A good choice for straight runs at sea level.

With the long straights down and back from the Lighthouse, I have to agree with my friends.  The steering on the C8 is designed for the track and handles the twists and turns of that environment as well as island and mountain roads like the best ever.  But you have that tightness and precision on the straights as well.  Sure zero to sixty (and more) is fantastic.  But on long cross country trips - it is an issue.  Lane wondering is THE issue, the slightest movement of the steering wheel moves you inches.


                           this particular drive includes a drive up South Virginia Dare Trail, which I drove in Calypso during the 2019 cross country trip.  You can watch that video here or on the Long Rides page, Eastern States, or just the "Nags Head 360" video shown here.  At the 2:34 mark my sister points out the place we stayed during this trip in 2024.


In the "Hatteras" video above it covers South Virginia Dare Trail from Neptune Drive to the place we stayed (Ocean Views).  In the Nags Head 360 video we cover the same road from much further south, and up through the park east of the Wright Bros. Memorial. 

But, over and above the straight line handling there's this aspect:


With the roof properly stowed in the "trunk" behind the engine.

You don't have the space for two carry on bags.


Forget about your wife's checked luggage.  It ain't happening.

BUT, if it's just you and your "under the seat in front of you" carry-on case.  Here it is again "in-front".  That is if the two 200HP Electric Motors don't take up more space.



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