While NOT about CALYPSO, there is a connection between last weeks successful launch of the first "real" SpaceX mission and my love of Corvettes. Pictured here is my first Corvette, known as "Black Rose" (named after her limited production paint job). You can see her parked at the base of the "Roton Rocket", which was the inspiration behind the desire to re-land and re-use rockets. It was a short walk from this hanger to what would become SpaceX. On the day of this picture I was attempting to help a friend, Mark DiCiero founder of "Classic Rotors" (the Rare and Vintage Helicopter Museum) get the Roton Rocket for the Museum. It was one of several trips to Mojave, and the first long distance trips for me and "Black Rose".
So now the connection of this post on Calypso's web-site. Calypso and I introduced John Riley and Mark to one another for a Pod-Cast. You can see that pod-cast and learn more about Classic Rotors and all the other "adventures" that Mark has had with vertical flight with the links at the bottom of the "Pod-Casts" page.