In addition to the new "IN Calypso" page two more pages have been added. Both of them have an assortment of YouTube Playlist links. Over the years I have either created or collected from others over 16 YouTube Playlists with over 500 videos, some of the video links on this web-site connecting to individual videos. Now you have access to ALL of my YouTube Playlists and their videos. Virtually every single one of the videos will have a connection to either Calypso herself or at least have something to do with the C7 generation of Corvettes. Some of the playlists are "Public" which means you can search for them on YouTube; but a vast majority are "Unlisted" (because of copyright laws) or "Private". In either those two latter cases you need the LINK ADDRESS to access them. Once armed with the LINK ADDRESS you have access to all the individual videos on THAT playlist. Have FUN!!!!