IF you are trying to view this on a phone. DON'T!!! It was not designed for phone or small tablet viewing. This web-site has 360 videos as well, best viewed on a PC with a compatible Graphics package for 360 viewing.

And don't forget to email yourself this link so you can view this better on your PC.
Please use the menu selections up there at the top of the page to tour the site. What follows below is just my Blog - the actual "site" stuff we may have talked about is all up there at the top, left to right with over 30 pages to pick from the 11 different menus.
This is a web-page all about Calypso, my C7 Corvette. As I add more stuff to this Vlog, they will be listed below, just follow the blue arrow. However, your primary direction is to visit the other pages on this site to see the videos that are the background to this Vlog. Most are music videos, but some of them are informative.